iM Sports Sleeves Blog — college football
Thrill of Competition: The Most Dangerous Team Sports
Posted by Talal Albagdadi on

Team sports are a thrilling display of athleticism, teamwork, and competition. From high-intensity contact sports to adrenaline-pumping action, these sports bring together players from around the world to showcase their skills and compete for victory. However, along with the excitement and glory, team sports also come with inherent risks and dangers. Injuries are an unfortunate but inevitable part of the game, and some sports are known for their higher risk of injuries. Let's take a look at the 10 most dangerous team sports in the world and the injuries that can occur in each sport. 1. American Football: With its...
- Tags: college football, concussion, football, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, sports injuries, violent sports
Should the NFL Still Exist?
Posted by Talal Albagdadi on

I live in San Diego and years ago when the Chargers were still playing at Jack Murphy Stadium, I loved watching Junior Seau play on Sundays. He was a local hero beloved by all. Junior did a lot of local charity work and was so popular in the community he opened a restaurant a few miles from Jack Murphy Stadium in Mission Valley aptly named Seau’s of San Diego. In 2012 at the age of 43 he shot himself in the chest with a revolver so that doctors could examine his brain for signs of trauma. Things have changed so...
- Tags: college football, concussion, CTE, football injuries, Junior Seau, NFL, NFL injuries